Friday 20 December 2013

Making the best choice.

 When I got saved as a young and broken teen, my parents and family assumed so many things about what this was and who I was becoming. People still do that today. 
They thought I was brainwashed and tried to Ban me from going, they thought I was using church to run away from them, they felt like I had abandoned them to this idea of religion and that somehow Jesus had stolen me from them. 
They assumed that this is something I was being somehow made to do and they were so angry and confused. 
I did not understand why and as I worked out my salvation, as well as who I was as a person, as well as deal with some issues that we had all ignored as a family. 
I struggled so hard to explain why I was living my life this way. 
When I felt God tell me it was time to tell them my story from my point of view, it was the most freeing moment I had ever experienced in my life. 
Because I told them why I Loved God, I explained what he did for me and how he is putting together every broken little piece. 
I told them that nobody is forcing me to do or think anything,that I am choosing this life because I honesltly could not do it any other way and I still need to remind them today. 

They do not completely understand why I am still choosing to live my life this way and maybe I will never be able to completely explain it. 
This revelation is still unfolding for me, but the fact that we don't live by a rigid set of rules and regulations that we could never possibly live up to brings a huge amount of freedom and I pray we have many more conversations about it. 

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