Friday, 20 March 2015

Toddlers are awesome!

It has become apparent that I am now living with the most irrational human being in the world. 

Someone who thinks 4:30 is a good time to wake up screaming. 
Not crying, no, no! Crying I can do. I mean screaming. 
For what? Who knows! 
Me: ok so all my instincts say to go in to him maybe this time he'll let me pat and stroke his hair until he peacefully falls back to sleep. (This has happened once) 
bad idea!  worst idea ever in fact and now he is screaming more, it's a full blown tantrum (where does he have the energy for this?)  
Him: "I see that I now have you attention let me teach you a little game called scream and throw" 
I lay him down because he is clearly still tired, probably cold but will not let me put a blanket on him. 
He writhes as if I have touched him with hands of fire. 
He is Probably thirsty too but instead throws his drink at me. Oh! And then screams for it. 
Does so for other million items in the cot. 
Shoes? Sure have whatever you want at this point. 
Throws them at me too. 
At which point I am done picking things up over and over again and having him scream in my face to retrieve them and so I leave him to scream, hoping and praying he does not wake the baby. 
I feel like a crap person of course and I'm wide awake of course. 
Meanwhile someone else got tired of tantruming and went back to sleep. 

Sleep tight. 

Note: do not attempt to console tantruming toddler. 

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