Saturday, 1 November 2014


If I keep my eyes on GOD, I won’t trip over my own feet. (Psalm 25:15 MSG)

So I trip over, like, A lot! 
I'll be walking along minding my own business, daydreaming no doubt and then I stumble...on nothing. 
It probably because I am terrible at watching where I am going, I try to look at everything all at once, I get distracted by everything in the entire world, it sounds like I am exaggerating but I am really not. 
So as a result I trip. 

I'm the first to admit that I am guilty of taking my eyes off God all too often, I regularly forget what's really important. 
I start something with the right motives to begin with, I tend to get carried away and forget Who I am doing it for that's when I start to trip. 
Things start going wrong and time and time again I am left wondering why it's not working out. 
It's because my eyes are in the wrong place. 
I am trying to look at everything around me while trying to follow where God is leading me. 
Thing is that's never gonna work. 

I think about it like going on a tour through a bush or something. 
The guide is there to show you the way, if your don't follow him you'll find yourself lost and since you don't know where you are you could be lost for a while. (I'm getting nervous just thinking about it) 
Our relationship with God is exactly like that. 
He is leading each of us on a different path and we need to follow him. 
It's easy to look at where he is leading someone else and want to go that way, but it's never gonna work for you. 
It's easy to look at what's happening around you like the disciples did when Jesus said they were taking the boat to the other side, but when they looked at the storm they were afraid. 
The thing Jesus said they were going to the other side. 
It's easy to get caught up in your own ideas and purposes and then wonder why it's not working out. 

Your tripping over your own feet because your not looking at Who is leading you. 
So keep your eyes on Him, He is taking you exactly where you need to be. 

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