Thursday, 13 November 2014


Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!” (Luke 1:45 NIV)

This verse is the first thing I read this morning. 
A friends Mum posted it and to be honest a looked it up to see if said "He" not she. 
It's actually taking about Mary and Elizibeth. 
It's talking about after she has already believed that God is doing what He said he would do. 

It reminded me of one thing. 

God ALWAYS does what he says he will do. 
I have read countless verses on it and I feel like in this season more then ever I keep being reminded of it over and over again. 
I feel like it's easier to believe a promise when it's far off into the future, when it's something God has for you in years to come. 
The struggle to believe is probably more when it's just so close to happening and then things start going wrong. 
Or you start feeling like maybe you can't do it anymore? 
Or maybe you heard wrong and you have worked towards nothing? 

In these moments its even more important to stand on verses like this and believe that even when it does not look like it,
God fulfills his promises every single time. 

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