Friday, 14 September 2012

Making dreams come true.

I think everybody has a dream, an end goal or purpose that they eventually want to get to. This is kind of like their ideal life that they want to live, most people would dream or imagine it. What kind of job they will have, what kind of house they will live in and who they will marry.

I think that few people think about making their dreams come true.

For me I have a God dream, it's something that I believe God wants me to do with my life, something he spoke to me about more clearly then anything else he has ever said (big call I know!)  At first it was just something that I imagined in my mind and due to my extensive imagination, it was in detail as if I had played it out like a movie over and over again and yes I wanted it to happen but did not really believe it would, therefore not really doing anything to move forward with it. But I couldn't ignore the fact that I could see it so clearly, for years I could imagine what it would be like to the detail and began to believe that it would happen one day.
 Then something Changed in me, one day as I was casually Dreaming about my Far away future and  What I would do for God, I felt God say that this Dream is for Now, Not one day when....And as if I realised that I had everything I need in me to do this now, I felt ready, I felt capable.When "Now" turned into months and then a year I grew frustrated at God for not making this happen.
In fact the opposite happened and I seemed so much further away and when I got closer something would happen again and I'd ask God "When are you going to make me Dream come True?" and then.........
He asked me the Same thing......

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