Monday, 19 November 2012

Call me to come to you!

Call me to come to you! 

Matthew 14:24

There is a storm going on, not just a little wind or rain..
Like a full on waves and boat sinking storm..
I imagine that it's dark because if always is in a storm, and they are in a little fishing boat being pounded by waves and struggling to hold on...
And through that storm Jesus is walking on water, he does not calm
The storm before he walks to them, 
He walks through the storm, why? Because he is... 
Now logic dictates that it would be safer in the boat then on the water amongst the storm.. 
But when Jesus comes through the storm to them. 
Peter asks to walk with him on water. 
"Call me to come to you" he says. 

I think he does this because he has the revelation that Jesus is actually safer then the boat, that of he is going to be anywhere it's with Jesus. 
Isn't that the kind of faith we should have in him? 
Like no matter what's going on our world and how crazy it seems to be, that we would want to be whereever Jesus is, even if that mean stepping out into the storm. 
Sometimes when life get rough we can make safe places for ourselves, we create "boats" because we don't want to sink, I know I am very good at this.
But God didn't call us to live Safe. 
He called us to be his hands and feet and sometimes that means stepping out, but we are never stepping out alone. Be assured that if your stepping into a storm he is right there with you! 

Sunday, 4 November 2012

If you only knew..

If you only knew.. 

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10 NIV84)

Jesus said to the woman "If you knew? 

I Love this passage for so many reasons, but I think that one question just gets me the most.. 

Isn't that like a our life though? 
If we only knew the gift of God and who he is, how much more would we ask him for living water, as in things in the eternal? 
We are so often unaware is this woman was of who is actually in our presence, and how much power he holds. 
We question him without even thinking about the weight of what could happen with him in our presence. 
If we only knew...
How many more would be saved? 
How much more would we be whole? 
How many more dreams would be pursue? 
If we only knew the power of him... 

Sometimes when the people in my life struggle or do not have a relationship with God, I think of this encounter...
I want to say to them "if only you knew him like I do... 
"if only you knew what he could do in your life. 
I am constantly using the line "you don't even know what it's like there!" 
Mostly to my father who is very against God, church and well... Me! 

I guess this verse is my heart for those who don't know, because if they knew they would ask and he would give them living water. 

Monday, 29 October 2012

Time to pray!

Time to pray.

I was reading John 17 and decided to read a devotion on it to help me better understand to context and how it apply's to my life etc. 

I came across the question: do you have special times reserved only for praying? 
And I had to answer no, I don't even have times reserved for seeking God, for studying his word or for even just reading it! 
I do read his word and I do pray. But it's not a priority as it should be and I wonder why I struggle so much with flesh and sin and  not feeling close to God. 
I find it hard to focus in worship and even giving him my best for just one song is an effort! What? Worship and effort... 
I cannot sit through the preaching or take notes or contribute in connect discussions... 
I find serving is making me weary and frustrated.. 
I avoid fellowship more often then I seek it out.. 
Even as I write this I feel shocked and even I little ashamed at where this has ended up! 

I am so caught up with the dream that God has placed on my heart, that I have failed to place God on my heart. 
When he should never have been moved from there. 

Something has to change. 
I need to actively be putting more of him into my heart and life, instead of him just being around about in my world. 
I have the hunger and the passion, I just listened to a song that made my soul ache for him like nothing else, yet just last night he called me to worship him and I resisted! 

So many things in my world have led me here.
I am inspired by The beautiful Mumma I have been blessed with who gets up every morning, puts on worship and just talks to God. 
She just talks to him and commits her day to him, prays for us and thanks him for her life! 

So in my journey it's time to pray! 
Time to set aside time to pray.
Time to seek his face like my life depends on it because it actually does. 

Friday, 14 September 2012

Making dreams come true.

I think everybody has a dream, an end goal or purpose that they eventually want to get to. This is kind of like their ideal life that they want to live, most people would dream or imagine it. What kind of job they will have, what kind of house they will live in and who they will marry.

I think that few people think about making their dreams come true.

For me I have a God dream, it's something that I believe God wants me to do with my life, something he spoke to me about more clearly then anything else he has ever said (big call I know!)  At first it was just something that I imagined in my mind and due to my extensive imagination, it was in detail as if I had played it out like a movie over and over again and yes I wanted it to happen but did not really believe it would, therefore not really doing anything to move forward with it. But I couldn't ignore the fact that I could see it so clearly, for years I could imagine what it would be like to the detail and began to believe that it would happen one day.
 Then something Changed in me, one day as I was casually Dreaming about my Far away future and  What I would do for God, I felt God say that this Dream is for Now, Not one day when....And as if I realised that I had everything I need in me to do this now, I felt ready, I felt capable.When "Now" turned into months and then a year I grew frustrated at God for not making this happen.
In fact the opposite happened and I seemed so much further away and when I got closer something would happen again and I'd ask God "When are you going to make me Dream come True?" and then.........
He asked me the Same thing......

Monday, 6 August 2012

How Deep his Love really is.

Tonight I cannot stop thinking about this song, I have heard it before but yesterday I must have just realised the Reality of the words. 
I could go through it word for word and explain why each verse means so much, but I think it needs individual revelation to have meaning.
So tonight I am still thinking about the reality of what he did for me and how great the price must have been for him, I realized that he actually felt pain for me, He actually chose the cross for me, chose me over himself and exchanged his life for my own and his very last breath was what brought me the freedom that I honestly take for granted most days.

I hope as you read it the words remind you just How deep the father Love for us really is....

How deep the Father's love for us 
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
And make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the man upon the cross
My sin upon His shoulder
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Album- Restoration