What did He see?
"What Joy could you see beyond the grave?"
This is a lyric in one of the songs we have been singing lately and it kind of caught me off guard a little bit.
What about my life today or even in my future made Jesus want to die for me?
What "joy set before him" did He see in the years to come that helped him endure the cross?
Did He see my little girl before I even knew she existed?
Did He see my family welcome me with open arms when I didn't have anywhere else to go?
Did He see all the times I said yes to His call even when I wanted to say no?
Did all the help him endure?
It talks a lot in the bible about how God saves you in your worse moments, that nothing you do can make Him stop loving you, but when I sang this lyric I was just floored.
He saw joy in my future.
Even though I was at my worst when Jesus saved me and He chose to anyway.
He knew there was joy, He saw the end before He began.
This verse explains it perfectly.
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:2 NIV