A letter to my baby girl.
In fact you have hardly slept all afternoon, it made you grumpy but every so often you look up and smile, makes me wonder what you are thinking.
And I caught you looking at me the same way I look at you.
Smitten. Captivated. In Love.
Exactly as it should be.
I'm in Love with that look you give me.
In Love with the way you smile at nothing.
I'm in Love with you high pitched coo when you are trying to talk back.
I'm in Love with the way you play with your ear while you feed, or grab my shirt when you fall asleep in my arms.
I'm in Love with how your cry is more of a yell.
I'm in Love with how you sigh just before you fall asleep.
I'm in Love with the way you follow people with your eyes and don't like to face away from the action.
Wanting to be part of what is going on.
I'm in Love with everything about you.
And I do not regret it.
The goodbye will be that much harder because of it, but your future will be that much more secure as a result of it.