Sunday, 31 August 2014

Out of the storm.

Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: (Job 38:1 NIV)

I always looked at this verse as if God was throwing it in Job's face. 

Like this was the ultimate come back that God had for his trial and his storm. 

I honestly thought it was a bit harsh of God to throw all these questions at Job. 

I have not been able to get this single line out of my head though.. 

He answered him from the storm. 

In the middle of his confusion and his pain God spoke. 

Can you imagine how overwhelming that would have been? 

I wish that I could hear the tone in Gods voice as he spoke this. 

I cannot be sure, but I think the reason it happened like this is because in the middle of a storm you cannot hear a whisper. 

I spend so much of my time trying to shut up my thoughts so I can hear him clearly when the fact is he doesn't need me to do that.

He can speak in the quiet and in the loud. 

He can both whisper and shout.  

It's more like God is making a point of how much greater then the trial He is, he is telling us the regardless of how fierce the storm is he is so much bigger then it. 

God doesn't always change our circumstances before he speaks, he does not always quiet the storm to we can hear his whisper. 

He speaks out of the storm so we can focus more on his voice then what we are currently facing. 

Friday, 15 August 2014


From the very core of myself I want to glorify him. 
With every breath and every single heartbeat I want nothing more then for my life to bring glory to his wonderful name. 
My life in its own holds no glory, it tells not a story of hope or mercy, but a tale of despair and selfish desire. 
When his life brought nothing but perfect glory and collided with mine, pouring upon it hope and mercy in abundance. 
My heart did not always long for God or walk in his light, sometimes It takes it's own turn and quiets the whisper of his voice. 
It breaks his heart. 
But oh in my soul.
In the very core of soul I long to glorify his beautiful name with everything that I am. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

The less deserving.

 he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities. (Psalm 103:10 NIV)

Thank God that we are not payed what we deserve. 

I used to think that in some way I had to deserve Grace. 

I needed to be perfectly in his will and following him to have it. 

I used to see it as some were more deserving of Grace and some were less deserving of it. 

I always somehow ended up in the less deserving category. 

I look at others lives and how much grace they have and it's perfectly ok to me. 

Then I look at my own life and feel like God should really just overlook me and give it to someone who "deserves" it. 

But the thing is nobody ever deserves it. 

If we could earn it or gain it or control it in anyways it would be based on us and not him. 

Then it wouldn't be Grace would it? 

I am learning more and more how not only does it have little to do with me, but that it has nothing at all to do with me. 

Not one single good thing can give me more and not one single stuff up can give me less. 

It's a little bit scary to me how I have so much I do not even slightly deserve and I constantly ask myself why. 

Because he Loves me never seems to be a good enough reason in my mind. 

But yet that is the single only reason I have any Grace at all. 

With all my heart.

"I'll Love you with all my Heart, I'll love you with all my soul Lord, I'll love you with all my strength, with all that is within me" 

At the moment these lyrics are probably some of my Favorite in church. 
They come from a song called "depths" 
and as soon as I hear the first line my heart is attentive and I find myself waiting in anticipation for this part of the song. 
They seem to centre everything around what's actually important. 
I see unity as we sing these words together. 
Everyone focused on the one thing, everyone loving Him with all that they have got. 

And it seems that regardless of what my week or day has been, or how incredibly big this season may be this becomes all that matters. 
It becomes the bottom line, that I keep loving him with everything I have, no matter how big or small it seems. 
That I just keep loving Him with all my heart.