It's funny how all of a sudden this verse makes so much sense to me, when I had read it or heard it a thousand times and never been impacted.
It seems we spend so much time trying to build our own life, wanting to do stuff on our own terms.
We are doing stuff our own way and wondering why it's not working.
Further more we are trying to get God to agree to our terms and follow our agenda.
Yes! We definitely want his help and we need him to answer us, but we want him to do it our way.
When what he is saying here is when you lay all that down, that's when you actually find your life the way it's supposed to be.
You cannot choose God and take parts of your old self with you, it has to complete surrender.
It must be the whole of you.
It's in that moment when you find your life being built up right before your eyes and God making things happen that you did not even consider being possible.
It's in that moment that you find your agenda not even mattering because the second your trusting him with your whole self, you realize what he has for you is far greater in every way possible.
It's when you feel like you have lost your ideal life that you turn around and find your actual life in Him.