Are you ever reading about someone in the bible, a story you have probably read or heard a hundred times before and suddenly realize that it could be talking about your life?
I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ (Luke 15:19 NIV)
I was reading and stumbled on this story about the lost son and when I got to this verse I thought "hey I do that!"
This son asked his father to give him his share which by the way he did nothing to earn, and the father gave it.
And without a single concern for anyone the son goes and wastes it.
I used to be kind of annoyed and think he was being selfish. Until I realized, I do the same thing, God gives to me and I waste it.
Later on in the story he runs out of money and is left with nothing, and when he thinks of going back to his father he surely cannot go back and be his son.
Not after he took what he gave him and ran.
Not after he wasted it all on pleasure and did whatever he desired.
Not after he shamed his name.
Surely after all this his father could never take him back.
But if he has nothing left, where else can he go?
So his thought is to go back as a servant, surely his father will let him earn his way back.
Isn't this how we think about things with God? I do this all the time.
Take what He gives me and screw it up and I'm left with no where else to go.
I cannot just go back to him, but I could go back and serve him.
We are so often ok to serve God and do things for him, but cannot stop to just be with him. Then we wonder why we feel far away, even though we are so very close. Why we miss him and his presence even thought he has been there all along.
That's what Grace is!
Regardless of how badly you screw it all up. The second you come back he is waiting to take you back as a son or daughter and you don't need to do anything to earn it!